RESCOURCES - from students and scholars
- Davis, Nathan J. The Baroque Violoncello and the Unaccompanied Cello Suites of J.S. Bach, B.W.V. 1007-1012. Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 2002. wordcat
- Ko, Ching-Tzy. Dynamic Markings in Bach Cello Suites. Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 2002. wordcat
- Kutz, Eric. Towards a Formal Paradigm for the Bach Cello Suite Preludes: A Study of the History, Theory, Origins, and Organization of Bach's Preludes to BWV 1007-1012, and Implications for Their Performance. Thesis (D.M.A.)--Juilliard School, 2002, 2002.wordcat
- Martens, Peter. Inspired by the Past: A Practical Guide for Cellist and Other String Players to the Execution of Baroque Music on Modern Instruments with Special Reference to the Six Suites for Solo Cello by J.S. Bach. Thesis (M. Mus. (Music))--University of Cape Town, 2007, 2007. wordcat
- Qureshi, Rifat J. The Influence of Baroque Dance in the Performance of Johann Sebastian Bach's Six Suites a Violoncello Senzo Basso. Thesis (D.M.A.)--Rice University, 1994, 2005. wordcat
- Dube, Michelle Claire. Prelude of Suite V for Cello Solo by J.S. Bach: Options for Performance. Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 2002. wordcat
- Steely, Kathryn. Large-Scale Architecture in the J.S. Bach Violoncello Suite Preludes and the Formation of Interpretation. Thesis (D. Music)--Northwestern University, 2002, 2002. wordcat
- Kim, Yang Hee. Performance Practice Issues in Bach's Suite in D Major for Solo Cello, BWV 1012. Thesis (M.F.A.)--University of California, Los Angeles, 1993, 1993. wordcat
- Marckx, Leslie Hirt. French Baroque Influences on Johann Sebastian Bach's Six Suites for Violoncello Solo: With an Emphasis on French Court Dance and Suite V. Thesis (D. Mus. Arts)--University of Washington, 1998, 1998. wordcat
- Hamric, Andrew Lane. Johann Sebastian Bach's Suite No. 6 for Violoncello Solo, BWV 1012: An Analysis for Performance. 2003. read
- Jarvis, Martin William Bernard. Did Johann Sebastian Bach Write the Six Cello Suites? 2007. wordcat
- Prindle, Daniel E. The Form of the Preludes to Bach's Unaccompanied Cello Suites. Amherst, Mass: University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2011. wordcat
- Chambers, Mark. The Mistuned Cello: Precursors to J.S. Bach's Suite V in C Minor for Unaccompanied Violoncello. Ann Arbor, Mich: University, 1996. wordcat
- Gilles, Barbara. The Suites for Unaccompanied Cello by Johann Sebastian Bach: A Study of Performance Practice. 1975. wordcat
- Snustad, Nancy. The Allemandes in the Six Suites for Solo Cello by J.S. Bach: An Analysis and Comparison. Document (D.M.)--Indiana University, 1994, 1994. wordcat
- Kramer, Laura Elizabeth. Articulation in Johann Sebastian Bach's Six Suites for Violoncello Solo (BWV 1007-1012): History, Analysis and Performance. 1998. wordcat
- Martens, Peter. Inspired by the Past : a Practical Guide for Cellist and Other String Players to the Execution of Baroque Music on Modern Instruments with Special Reference to the Six Suites for Solo Cello by J. S. Bach. University of Cape Town, 2007. read wordcat
- Price, Patricia Lynn. A Structural Analysis of Five Preludes for Unaccompanied Cello by Johann Sebastian Bach. 1990. wordcat
- Smith, Mark Mervyn. Certain Aspects of Baroque Music for the Violoncello As Finally Exemplified in the Suites for Unaccompanied Violoncello by Johann Sebastian Bach. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Flinders University of S. Aust., 1984, 1983. wordcat
- Harris, Carolyne A. Bach's Six Suites for Violoncello Solo: An Analysis. 1950. wordcat
- "Variety in Performance: A comparative Analysis of Recorded Performances of Bach's Sixth Suite for Solo Cello from 1961 to 1998" read Wordcat
- Davis, Stacey. Implied Polyphony in the Unaccompanied String Works of J.S. Bach: Analysis, Perception, and Performance. 2001. wordcat
- Cho, Yoonju. A Study of Baroque Tempo Practices and Their Applications to the Violoncello Suite No. 2 by Johann Sebastian Bach. Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of Washington, 1998, 1998. wordcat
- Timmons, Lena. Using the Organ to Teach the Fourth Suite Prelude for Violoncello Solo by J.S. Bach. Greensboro, N.C.: University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2012. read wordcat
- Katz, Daniel J. Exploration of the Interpretation of Bach's Fifth Cello Suite, with a Focus on BWV 995 (Lute Transcription) As a Primary Source. Thesis (D. Music)--Northwestern University, 2017. wordcat
- Slavett, Kenneth Claude. A Comprehensive Performance Project in Cello Literature and an Essay on the Interpretation of the Bowings Found in the Three Eighteenth-Century Manuscript Copies of Johann Sebastian Bach's First Suite in G Major for Solo Cello. 1986. wordcat
- Simpson, Robert Eric, Clifford K. Madsen. The Effect of Performance Errors on Perceptions of Performance Quality in J.S. Bach's Bourée from the Suite for Unaccompanied Cello #3. Tallahassee, Fla: Florida State University, 2009. read
- Hulshoff, G. The Six Suites for Violoncello Solo by Johann Sebastian Bach: A Handbook on Bach's Music for Violoncello Solo. Port Rowan, Ont: Leeboard Press, 1994. wordcat
- Kaplan, Harriet Marlene. An Examination of Johann Sebastian Bach's Fifth and Sixth Suites for Solo Cello, BWV 1011 and 1012. 1994. wordcat
Articles - Publications
- Trills in the Bach Cello Suites - by Marc Vanscheeuwijck, (2009) read
- Intervallic scalling in the Bach Cello Suites. - by Marc Vanscheeuwijck, Fractals Vol. 17, No. 04, pp. 537-545 (2009) read/order - Wordcat
- Precarious presumptions and the "minority report": Revisiting the primary sources of the Bach Cello Suites. Bach. by SZABO Z. (2015). 45, 1-33. wordcat
- Articulation in J. S. Bach's Unaccompanied Cello Suites by Sills, David 2017. American String Teacher. 48, no. 1: 51-56. read - Wordcat
- "Bach's Cello Suites: A Guide for the Editionally Perplexed".by Solow, Jeffrey, and Robert Jesselson. 2017. American String Teacher. 46, no. 1: 81-82. Wordcat
- "Dance and Its Importance in Bach’s Suites for Solo Cello". by Audrey Hebson. 2010. Musical Offerings. 1, no. 2: 55-64. read - Woldcat
- "Structural Scaling in Bach's Cello Suite No. 3". by Brothers, H. J. 2007. FRACTALS -LONDON-. 15, no. 1: 89-96. Worldcat
- "Recent Re-Evaluations of the Baroque Cello and What They Might Mean for Performing the Music of J. S. Bach". by Vanscheeuwijck, Marc. 2010. Early Music. 38, no. 2: 181-192. Worldcat
Interpretationperformers & their recordings
- "BACH AT LAST Steven Isserlis, Who Has Just Committed the Bach Cello Suites to Disc, Explains Why It Took Him so Long, and How He Set About Scaling the Everest of the Repertoire".S. ISSERLIS - 2007. STRAD -LONDON-. 118, no. 1405: 50-53. Wordcat
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